Cows & Humans
I never realized how much we humans have in common with cows, for example:
Cows are very sociable and don’t like to be alone. Except when a cow becomes sick or about to give birth ~ Sounds like a human to me 😊
We drive single file along our roadways ~ traveling to work, out to eat or visit friends. Cows tend to move together in a line as they graze from one pasture to another. And we both get excited when we see a food truck.
The average body temperature of a cow is 102 degrees Fahrenheit ~ minus 3.4 and you have us humans at 98.6
A cow has 32 teeth and will chew about 40-50 times a minute while most adults have 32 teeth, and we chew an average of 40 times a minute.
Farmers use ear tags as an animal identification system that helps keep track of important information about each animal, such as birth date, gender, age, weight, etc. Sounds like a cross between our birth certificate and driver’s license. Plus they place the tag in their ears, kinda like an earring.
Both humans and cows have no problem coolin’ off in a pond ~ or pool 😊
Cows can see almost 360 degrees. As a result of this near-panoramic view. Doesn’t that sound like an ‘I see all’ mom with eyes in the back of her head 😊
Cows spend about 10 hours a day lying down, and they will stand up and lay down about fourteen times a day. It is recommended that we get 8 to 10 hours of rest. The ratio for sitting and standing is 45% to 55% yet, our jobs can determine which way the ratio falls. However, on weekend humans can exceed the cows laying ratios 😊
Females are heifers until giving birth then they’re considered cows. Human females go from girls to women & after childbirth-rearing they become mothers.
And males are steers or bulls ~ which only seems fitting since human males tend to be full of bull 😊
Peace & Love