What time it is?
Does anybody really know what time it is ~ Care, does anybody really care, about time, if so, I can't imagine why. Chicago
One of the earlier ways of knowing what time it is started out as simple as a sunrise, that's how we knew it was time to start our day. Even today when the sunrises, we see the light shine in our windows, and we know the day is about to begin. Some of us will black out our windows to keep the light from shining in but does our body know the sun is up? 🌅
The cock-a-doodle-do from a rooster is another early method of determining when our day will begin. Of course, the rooster starts his cock-a-doodle-do at the first sight of the sunrise and doesn't stop till the sun has risen. While it is an effective way it could be a bit annoying. 🐓
In 1787 a personal 'alarm device' was invented but it wasn't until the 1930's and 1940's that alarm clocks replaced the human timekeepers. Now we have the tick-tock, tick-tock and the rriinnggiinngg of the alarm clock to wake us up in the mornings at a specific time not just dawn. ⏰
Eventually modern technology stepped in, and we no longer had the tick-tock, tick-tock of the alarm clock ~ it was now digital. It started off with a beep-beep-beep, maybe some music and if that didn't wake you up ~ there was always that annoying buzzer that was sure to wake you up in the morning. For whatever reason that wasn't good enough and we decided to use our phones to wake us in the morning. 📱
Alarm clocks are fine and dandy but what if you live on a time zone line, say between 2 towers ~ your time could change if you crossed the line or possibly if one tower had a stronger signal than the other. True, this is a rarity, but it did happen to me one time during our travels. We left one time zone, and it was going on 11:00 and I was craving lunch, but we crossed into another time zone so now I was back to 10:00. Finally, it was 11:00 again and I knew we wouldn't be going through another time zone ~ just yet. We found a restaurant and headed inside. Much to my surprise, the clock said 12:30, my phone said 12:30 but just before we walked in it said 11:30, so I walked back outside to check my theory of the tower strength and sure enough ~ 11:30. When I went back inside to order lunch, I asked our waitress about the time difference, and she confirmed my tower theory. She also said they only use battery or electric ~ non-digital clocks to avoid confusion. 🕦🕧
For me life is much simpler if I use Jimmy Buffet's theory of ...'It's five o'clock somewhere 😃
Peace & Love